Thanks for taking your time to read our information on the best rooting powder that is currently available on the UK market. Rooting products are sold in powder, liquid, and gel form. Powder is the most popular option. A rooting powder will contain natural auxins or synthetic compounds. When these are applied to clippings, their main purpose is to stimulate root growth during the propagation stage.
Some gardeners prefer to make their own form of rooting powder. They will boil a couple of cups of water, and then add something like honey or vinegar. Rooting powder is just a faster, and we think a better way of ensuring healthier root growth.
My Top Choices
1. Doff Rooting Powder

Doff rooting powder helps to promotes strong and healthy roots and comes from a natural source that is made from seaweed, to increase propagation. We also use this for dipping plugs all year round
It is suitable for use on soft, semi-hard and hardwood plants as well. As such, it can be used on a variety of indoor and outdoor cuttings and it will help to form some new roots on any type of cutting.
Users swear by this product and many say " this stuff is the best in the business."
Check Amazon UK for Availability - Price when reviewed £2.97 - 88% customer satisfaction based on 15,000+ buyers
2. Vitax Organic Rooting Powder

This is a pretty new powder that's getting really good results for users. It's the ideal way to start rooted cuttings and buyers are seeing roots forming within a few days when they use this product.
The Vitax powder is an organic rooting fertiliser that stimulates root development and speeds up the whole process. That makes it suitable for both edible and ornamental plants. We found that you can use it with soft, medium and hardwood cuttings
Check Amazon UK for Availability - Price when reviewed £5.99 - 86% customer satisfaction based on 300+ buyers
3. Elixir Gardens ® Organic Rooting Powder by Westland

This is another fully organic rooting powder that contains no artificial hormones or pesticides. It definitely aids in the establishment and root growth of cuttings. We have found that it produces some roots in 3 out of 4 cuttings within a few days to a week.
It's around the same price as most of the other powders and you can see that it comes in 100g instead of the more usual 50g pack. For best results, stand soft stem cuttings in water for ½ an hour before using the powder and hardwood cuttings need overnight soaking.
Check Amazon UK for Availability - Price when reviewed £10.99 - 86% customer satisfaction based on 100+ buyers
4. Rooting Powder BOOST Compound Hormone Growth Powder

This rooting Powder BOOSTS Hormone Growth using Auxin Hormones. The Indole-3-Butyric Acid 0.44% promotes growth and is the same ingredient as Miracle-gro. The pack we are showing is 25g but its is available from 10g up to 50g.
The 50g pack is the best value and works out around half the price of the Miracle-gro product. As this is pretty new to market we will see how it performs over time but it seems likely that it could get to the number one spot, for value alone
Check Amazon UK for Availability - Price when reviewed £6.99 - 78% customer satisfaction based on 100+ buyers
How to Use Rooting Powder for Best Results?
Really using this product couldn't be much easier. We recommend soaking your cutting in water for an hour before applying the powder, overnight if it's a hardwood cutting.
During propagation you should only apply the powder immediately before you put your clipping in the soil.
For all the powdered hormones, just dip the base of the cutting into the hormone, and brush off an excess. Then plant the cutting into lightly watered soil, just covering the base. Liquid types of growth hormones are pretty much the same process.
Remember that these powders are only used for propogation, nothing else, and it is worth noting that they all have fairly short expiry dates so keep a close eye on that as well.
We hope this has opened your eyes to the world of Rooting Powders and good luck with your gardening.