
I'm Enda McLarnon

Amateur Gardener


I'm Jason Dawson

Ui/Ux & Print Designer


About Me

Hello, I am Enda McLarnon, a keen amateur gardener

As you might guess from my photograph above I am now retired so can spend even more time in my garden. Gardening is something that I have enjoyed for many years.

For others I know, gardening can be a bit of a chore. If you are one of those people, worry not, you will find on our website, many great tips to make the boring tasks a great deal easier.

Useful Information

I doubt if I can teach experienced gardeners that much, but hopefully they will still find this website interesting to read through.

If you have any tips or advice, then please feel free to leave those in the comment's section where they may be of benefit to others.

This website will be really helpful for beginner gardeners or for those who simply want to keep and maintain a neat and tidy garden.

I manage the website along with a small team of other amateur gardeners.

Our Specialist Gardening skills

We are Good At...

lawn care picture

Lawn Care

Love our lawns and looking after them

vegetable growing picture

Growing Vegetables

Why buy vegetables when you can grow your own.

fruit growing picture

Growing Fruit

Why buy fruits when you can grow your own.

garden tool reviews picture

Tool Reviews

Honest and independent garden tool reviews

Our Experience and General Skills

Technical Skill Levels






Over the many years we have worked on many garden and yard projects. These range from shed building, deck building, installing electrical units into sheds and garages, and also making fountains and pools. There is always something that can be done in the garden and as long as you have the right tools for the job, almost anyone can do these types of tasks.

We also enjoy working with engines, anything mechanical and anything electrical. That can be very useful when it comes to repairing tools.


Independent Genuine Tool Reviews and Research





We started this review website as when we were looking for information online then we could never quite find exactly what we were looking for. A lot of the information that we did find was aimed at the USA market and not at the UK market. We wanted to know about tools that are used in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Between the team here, we do own a lot of gardening tools and have used many of them over the years. However, it would be impossible and unpractical for us to own them all. We do the nest best thing and that is to summarise all the information we can find about tools. We then present that information to our readers.

To find out more about how we do our reviews then please click here.

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